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Man is the measure of all things

Categoria Association News
Data 15 Dicembre 2020

The realization that the human factor is an element of crucial importance in business has often been well expressed by the various partners of the EFMP. And Italian partner, Settimo Piano, wholeheartedly endorses this viewpoint, the importance of which was made even more manifest during the Coronavirus pandemic.

After a study, undertaken by Settimo Piano, of various scenarios of the post-Covid era, the human factor clearly emerges as a fundamental measure affecting all new projects.  Planning new business and the very development of the company itself is contingent on the human factor. To give credence to this opinion, Settimo Piano quotes the Athenian philosopher, Protagoras of Abdera, 490 BC: “Man is the measure of all things”. Man is the meter. This is a concept which was later taken up by Leonardo Da Vinci in his study, “The Vitruvian Man”.

A2A Champions Challenge

In line with this fundamental belief, Settimo Piano continues its growth path as a company by starting with the development of its staff.  Precise professional paths are outlined in a framework in accordance with relevant business development processes. It is no coincidence that just this year Settimo Piano accepted and won the challenge launched by the A2A Energia Company (one of the largest electricity distribution companies in Italy). Energia had already been a customer of Settimo Piano for several years in terms of the development and management of sales networks from a quality point of view.  This particular project called A2A Champions Challenge, involved submitting a tender to the main partners and suppliers of the sales networks for A2A Energia. The criteria upon which the award of the tender for business was based were on the quality, fairness and effectiveness of the sales network managed on behalf of A2A.

A challenge which Settimo Piano won.

Having  achieved this positive result by ranking first on the various indices, is proof  that the path taken by Settimo Piano with regard to the development and training of human resources, and setting itself ambitious qualitative and quantitative objectives, was definitely the right way to go.

Touchpoint News interview In the absence of  training aimed at the effectiveness and application of correct protocols,  with regard to both the customer and the collaborators themselves, elements declined  when considered from a strategic perspective.

In an interview with the Italian magazine, Touchpoint News on 25 November 2020, the  President of Settimo Piano, Andrea Nicò, and the Marketing, Sales and Communication Manager of A2A, Paolo Bellotti, confirmed the significance of having well trained personnel  operating in their companies.

And, in the view expressed by Settimo Piano, it is precisely this conviction that drives  them to believe in the human factor as an element capable of making us make a difference. They feel that the systemization of several human factors, from a strategic perspective allows them to truly grow and to adapt to whatever reality they find confronting them. It is no coincidence that in the same interview fundamental issues are touched upon,  one such issue was the definition of strategy. Strategy is considered by the company to be the highest form of adaptation to change, which, say Settimo Piano, is all based on the training for, and attainment of, personal and professional goals.

Touchpoint Awards

Finally, in relation to the assessment of the human factor as a measure of qualitative objectives, EFMP Italian Partner, Settimo Piano’s President, Andrea Nico accepted nomination to serve on the jury of the Touchpoint Awards, on 27 November 2020. The Touchpoint Awards is an international advertising award promoted by the sector magazine, Touchpoint News, and it covers several different categories concerning the main national and international advertising campaigns of 2020.

All of which goes to show that the operational philosophy that people matter is a sound one, that man, epitomizing the human factor, is indeed the measure of all things.