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Settimo Piano, our concept of training

Categoria Association News
Data 1 Ottobre 2019

The EFMP’s Italian partners, Settimo Piano, have developed their own concept of training that offers bespoke solutions to clients based on their type of business and specific operating customs. Sales teams are trained on a personalized set of criteria that differs from client to client and accounts for both structural and operating peculiarities. Settimo Piano’s training concept is applicable to all types of retailers, irrespective of size: they are currently working with dental retailers, and with public utilities companies, including both electricity and gas, and have found that the training concept applies, across the board.

Settimo Piano’s training structure comprises of three main phases, namely, analysis, training, and assessment phases.

The Analysis Phase: This phase is based on 4 operating indicators: Management Customs, Commercial Conditions, Communication Flows and Operating Protocols. This first phase enables Settimo Piano to understand how the company works and highlights the critical issues that need to be improved, as well as opportunities to be exploited. During this initial phase they use quantitative measurement tools to index performance, and cross qualitative tools, such as psychological tests or one on one briefing, to compile a detailed output document based on the 4 operating indicators detailed above. Once results have been shared with the company, Settimo Piano proceed with the training intervention plan.

Training and Coaching: Most training takes place in the classroom and involves motivation of staff as well as the use of theoretical case studies and often comprises role play and team building activities. The sales teams are taught to use Settimo Piano’s e-learning platform further training and development, and they are encouraged to continue to learn via this platform, remotely, on an ongoing basis. The sales teams are then sent out into the field to refine their newfound skills in a practical manner while being monitored and supported by the coaches.

Assessment and Auditing: In this phase it is essential to measure the effectiveness of the improved techniques introduced during the training phase and to assess how these are applied in everyday operational life. Coaches will continue to monitor the progress of the sales teams through pre-arranged audit days and through activities such as mystery shopping, while continuing to assess their development via the e-learning platform. Follow up training sessions both in the classrooms and via e-learning will be based on the information compiled though this assessment process. A bespoke, standardized training structure is created for the client for use during future training and development programmes. Settimo Piano will utilize information gathered during the training process to build accurate job descriptions based on the correct “savoir etre and savoir faire”, the interpersonal and management skills relevant to the client, and these will be used as a reference for future recruitment and training.

Marco Angelici, Settimo Piano’s training and e-learning manager said, “These activities are esssential for client’s business growth and personal development of their employees. Our clients are increasingly interested in training and appreciating the quality of the services we are currently offering them.”

This comprehensive training method, developed by Italian partners, Settimo Piano, has been influenced and intensified through the sharing of knowledge between the EFMP members.

The group of agencies holds regular conferences to share their knowledge and experience in order to enhance their offerings as a group and to provide a superior solution to their clients. Settimo Piano’s completed training programme, which can now be shared with the other EFMP members, exemplifies just how effective this collaboration can be.